Membership Information

Proposed Craig Recreation Enterprises Rate Sheet for Moila Facility

Please note your Moila Golf Membership is a commitment for theh remainder of the golf year (ending February 28th) regardless of payment method. 

Individual Memberships
Pricing for existing Moila ShrinersDues Amount
Annual membership for 12 months, paid in advance on or before March 1st* $2,250.00 per year
Annual membership for 12 months, paid monthly commencing March 1st* $225.00 per month
Pricing for Non-Moila ShrinersDues Amount
Annual membership for 12 months, paid in advance on or before March 1st* $2,750.00 per year
Annual membership for 12 months, paid monthly commencing March 1st* $275.00 per month
Walk Up Players (No Contract Required) Guest FeeDues Amount
Moila Shriners $70.00 per round
Non-Moila Shriners $85.00 per round
OtherDues Amount
Junior Member Rate (35 years old and under) only for those who are going through Moila Shriners Membership Program and who sign a 12-month Membership $115.00 per month
Junior Member Rate (35 years old and under) and Non-Moila Shriner with a 12-month contract $140.00 per month
Pool Membership only, for existing Moila Shriners Members, who are not golf members. This is an individual pool membership (paid in advance) $295.00 per season
Pool Membership Only, for Non-Moila Shriners Members who are not golf members. This is an individual pool membership (paid in advance) $395.00 per season
Pool Guest Fee, for an individual who wishes to use the pool for 1 day only. Individuals are limited to use the pool 3 times per season, irrespective if they are a guest of different members. $10.00 per day

All Golf Memberships Include Carts

*Includes Pool Membership


Family Memberships*


Pricing for existing Moila ShrinersDues Amount
Annual membership for 12 months, paid in advance on or before March 1st $2,750.00 per year
Annual membership for 12 months, paid monthly commencing March 1st, requires a 12-month contract $275.00 per month
Pricing for Non-Moila ShrinersDues Amount
Annual membership for 12 months, paid in advance on or before March 1st $3,250.00 per year
Annual membership for 12 months, paid monthly commencing March 1st, requires a 12-month contract $325.00 per month
Dual membership must be current St Joseph CC MemberDues Amount
Single annual membership for 12 months commencing April 1st $1,250.00 per year
Family annaul membership for 12 months commencing April 1st $1,750.00 per year

All Golf Memberships include Carts

OtherDues Amount
Pool Membership only, for existing Moila Shriners (paid in advance) Family Membership $450.00 per seasons
Pool Membership only, for Non-Moila Shriners (paid in advance) Family Membership $600.00 per season
Locker Fee $75.00 per year
Driving Range Membership Fee (Single) $125.00 per year
Driving Range Membership Fee (Family) $175.00 per year
Driving Range Membership Fee (Junior under 21) $75.00 per year
Club Care and Storage Fee $100 per year

*A Family is defined as Dad, Mom and their children- it does not includes grandparents, grandchildren or any other extended family. A child must be 21 years or under, unmarried and still residing with the owner of the membership
